Roadside Assistance


We offer a rescue package for when your motorcycle has a breakdown onsite. With over 20 years of experience in providing motorcycle rescue services in Japan, KTM Assist accompanies the riders to overcome unexpected problems such as a punctured tire, gas shortage, anti-theft system error, lock problems…


  • 24/24 rescue, including holidays & Sundays
  • Nationwide support
  • Gasoline delivery

In the event that a member’s motorcycle runs out of gas on the road, KTM Assist will deliver fuel to the member free of charge (600ml). Customers only pay for the required fuel capacity according to the market value.

– Petrol supply service is only applied if KTM Assist members have problems on the road.

– This service is not applied if the member’s motorcycle is at home.

  • Key lost/ Engine breakdown

In the event that a member’s motorcycle breaks down, cannot be unlocked, or the member loses the key, we will temporarily fix the problem so that the customer can continue to use the motorcycle. If the technician staff cannot fix the problem on the spot, the transportation service will be provided.

  • Free bike delivery

In the event that a member’s motorcycle has an accident or serious damage, the vehicle will be transported to a repair agent or to the customer’s home (if outside the dealer’s working time). Normally, the member’s motorcycle will be delivered to the dealer where the member buys the vehicle or where the member registers for rescue services. Free bike shipping for large displacement vehicles < 300 km.

  • Flat tires

If a member’s motorcycle has a flat tire, we will repair it (temporary patch) or transport it to the dealer (in case it needs to be replaced).


  • In the event of war whether officially announced or not, or any hostilities, riots or riots.
  • When the motorcycle is not damaged.
  • In case the customer requires transportation from the repair agent to another place.
  • In case the customer has used stimulants or addictive substances (alcohol, drugs…)

Safely explore, experience and confidently conquer new roads with KTM Assist!